Aulis sai herätyspiikin ja siirtyi viereiseen huoneeseen heräilemään. Noin 10 minuutin kuluttua Aulis oli jo jotakuinkin jaloillaan ja pääsimme lähtemään kotia. Aulis oli siis hereillä, mutta tuntui siltä että herran aivot olivat vielä unessa. Nyt on jo ilta ja Aulis on vieläkin ihan uninen, ehkä huomenna hänellä on jo parempi olla? Tässä hauskoja kuvia tokkuraisesta Aukista matkalla autolle. Hassu pentu..
Hi everyone! Today Aulis went to see the vet because he has had some bottom problems.. The problem was that his anal glands kept "leaking". The vet told us that its not normal and she'd had to see what wrong with them. Vet told us that the glands are OK but there seemed to be a little infection. So the vet sedated Aulis and rinsed the glands and put some medicine. I have to say that Aulis behaved so well during the examinations, GOOD BOY AUKKIS!!
After the operation Aulis was given "a wake up shot" and after about ten minutes we where ready to head back home. Aulis was a wake but I think his brain was still a sleep. Its evening now and Aulis is still a little weary. I bet he will feel much better tomorrow. Above you can see funny pictures of Aulis heading back to our car. Funny puppy..
Auliksella on ollut tänään niin hauskoja ilmeitä että on ollut naurussa pitelemistä. HAHAA, Aukin mielestä tästä päivästä on ollut leikki kaukana.
Here is grumpy Aulis at home. I bet Aulis will never forgive us for takin him to see a strange lady who poked his bum.
Aulis has had so funny facial expressions today that I've laughed a million times. HAHA Aukki doesn't thin theres been anything funny about this day.
I noticed that there is a big dogshow here on Saturday and Sunday. Apparently pugs will appear on Saturday, I must go and see them. The other day a bypasser asked about Aulis and said he was very handsome. She also asked if Aulis was going to appear in the dog show. Aulis is not going but we are.
Ainiin unohdin mainita aiemmin, että päivitin Auliksen valokuvakansion (löytyy vasemmalta siinä lukee view my photo album) sekä lisäsin ilmaisten e-korttien lähetysmahdollisuuden. Kortteihin voi valita jonkin Auliksen kuvista. Tämäkin toiminto löytyy vasemmalta, profiilin alapuolelta ja siinä lukee send an E-card.
OH I forgot to mention earlier that I updated Aukkis Photo Album (on the left) and I also added a free E-card thing, where you can send E-cards with Aukkis pictures.
1 comment:
Hey Aulis, Bam-Bam has tagged you to play a game with amoung us fellow bloggers. Tell us 5 weird things about yourself and you can drop by and see five weird things about Bam-Bam. :)
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