Hi there! Here I am writing to you after my long school day. We both started our school this week so Aulis has spen few days already staying home all alone for the morning and the afternoon. Luckily Aulis was thought to stay home alone from the very beginning so he is not afraid of it or anything, but never the less he always seems to be a little sulky when we get home. You see Aulis is used to going everywhere with us. So when we get home from school there is a face like this waiting us by the door.
Sen lisäksi että Auliksen täytyy nyt tottua olemaan enemän yksin, on tulossa toinenkin muutos. Päätimme myydä asuntomme ja etsiä toisenlaisen kämpän. Mutta katsotaan nyt saammeko kämpän myytyä.
In addition to Aulis having to get used to being alone at days, we decided to sell our appartment and find another place. But we'll first have to see if we get this one sold.
Tässä kuvia viime viikonlopulta, kun kävimme siskoni luona vierailulla. Aulis kävi moikkaamassa kamuaan Lukea. Sekä siskoni lapset ovat erinomaista siedätyshoitoa Aulikselle (vaikka eihän Aulis kyllä niitä pelkääkkään).
Here are some photos from last weekend, we visited my sister. Aulis went to say Hi to his buddy Luke, and my sisters kids are good help in getting Aulis used to kids (though Aulis is not scared of them at all) .
Moi Aulis ! Olet ihku!
Good luck on getting your apartment sold! What does Aulis do when he is left home alone? Bam-Bam always sleeps the entire time we are gone.
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