Perjantaina Aulista kävi moikkaamassa Leevi joka on kihlattuni veljen ja hänen tyttöystävänsä koiran. Aulis taisi aiheuttaa Leeville lieviä traumoja jahtaamalla toista ympäri asuntoa, voi Leevi rukkaa. Onneksi Aulis varmasti rauhoittuu hieman kasvaessaan, mikä on hyvä uutinen myös kanimme mielestä. Aulis testailee voiko kanin kanssa leikkiä, EI voi!
Tänään on lämmin ja kaunis päivä. Päätimme lähteä pienelle ulkoilu retkelle Auliksen kanssa. Hienosti meni, vaikka välillä oli hieman epäselvyyttä taluttiko Matti Aulista vai Aulis Mattia. Heh!
It's been quite busy lately. Aulis had an appointmen to the vet last Tuesday, everything was OK but he's had a bit of upset tummy lately. On doctors orders we have but Aulis on a rice, ground meat, and cottage cheese diet. We also add this powder called tehopact what is a lactic acid product.
On Friday Aulis had a playdate with Leevi. Leevi belongs to my boyfriends brother and his girlfriend. I think Aulis traumatized Leevi a bit, because he kept chasing him aroung like a crazy around the appartment, poor Leevi. I'm sure Aulis will calm down when he grows up a bit, what is great news for our rabbit. Aulis keeps trying to play with our rabbit but Puppe is so not interested in getting to know Aulis.
Today is a warm and sunny day, we decided to take Aulis for a short outing. I think it went well but a times it wasn't clear was Matti walking Aulis or Aulis walking Matti. LOL!
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