First snwo arrived few days ago. Aulis was so excited and he could have played in the snow for hours. First snow was light and fluffy blanket that coverde all the brown colours of Autumn.
Lumipyry alkoi eilen... lunta tuli paljon ja nopeasti. Minun ja Auliksen iltalenkki jäi vain puoleen tuntiin koska emme yksinkertaisesti päässeet eteenpäin.
Yesterday it really started snowing... snow was falling fast and lots of it. Me and Aulis we only took about half an hour walk and then came back home.. we just simply couldn't get anywhere because of the snow.
Tänä aamuna heräsin ja nousin ylös... Katsoin parvekkeelle ja en voinut muuta kuin nauraa.. parveke oli täynnä lunta. Menin keittiöön ja yritin katsoa ulos ikkunasta, en nähnyt mitään koska ikkunaruutukin oli lumen peitossa.
This morning I woke up.. I lookd out of our balcony window and started laughing.. our balcony was FULL of snow. I walked to our kitchen and tried to look out of the kitchen window.. I couldn't see anything even the kitchen window was covered with snow.
Lähdin käyttämään Aulista ulkona. Ulos päästyäni kuului thumps ja Aulis katosi lumihankeen, lunta oli yksinkertaisesti niin paljon että jopa koirani hukkui siihen. Tässä hieman kuvia aamukävelyltä.
Me and Aulis went outside for his morning walk. Once we got outsed the front door I just heard thump and noticed that Aulis had dissapeared into the snow. There was just simply so much sno that it swolloved my pug. Here are some photos of our walk this morning.